SPAR Inpiration

Tips For Moms

Tips For Moms
Moms are often busy and stressed. Here are a few tips to try to make things a little easier and help you have fun, meaningful times together.
Tips For Moms
  • A Kitchen Drawer for Kids:  Give your child access to a bottom drawer in the kitchen filled with non-breakable spoons, cups, bowls etc.  They love playing with “kitchen toys” and this can keep them busy while you are cooking.  Just make sure it’s in a safe spot.
  • Play and have fun with your children. Let them choose the activity, and don't worry too much about rules. Just go with the flow and enjoy. That's the name of the game.  Try to make a time each day to do this.
  • Learning shapes with food:  Let your children learn shapes by cutting sandwiches with plastic knives.  Not only is it fun but they enjoy the food more.
  • Learning measures by baking: Children can count spoonful’s or cups you need for baking.  Older children can learn more complicated measures.  It’s a fun way to learn calculations and the reward is twofold as something pops out of the oven afterwards.
  • Fun Place mats: Teach your child how to lay the table by using a vinyl placemat.  Outline the shape of a knife fork and spoon as well as the plate in their correct positions with a permanent black marker.  Children enjoy matching the cutlery to the shape.
  • Hanging cutlery: Let your children help sort out the hanging cutlery after washing. It is fun, good for hand eye co-ordination and also gets the job done for you.
  • Treat Basket: If your children receive too many sweets or chocolate after the holidays place each child’s stash in a special treat basket.  You can then decide when the child can choose a sweet e.g. one after supper.  Children love having their own secret stash.
  • Secret Note: When making your child’s lunch pop a secret note in the box.  We love you! or You are special!
  • Three Questions at Dinner: To stimulate conversation around the dinner table ask your family to share three things that happened to them at school or work that day.
  • Love Button: If your child is nervous about going to school or has a scary project, find a big button.  In front of your child, hold it to your heart and fill it with love.  Then give it to your child and tell him or her that if she is feeling scared or anxious to just hold the button and know that you are there. 
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