SPAR Inpiration

Ward Off Colds and Flu

Ward Off Colds and Flu
The jury's out on 'feed a cold, starve a fever', but consensus says that eating soothing chicken soup can't hurt when you are battling a bug. Eating healthy, getting plenty of rest and drinking lots of fluids is always first prize.
Ward Off Colds and Flu
SPAR's Registered Dietician Lauren says food offers some great ways to ward off illness. She advises:

Eat your way healthy

  • Seasonal fruits help protect our immune systems in winter. Fruits such as oranges, naartjies, grapefruit and apples provide antioxidant nutrients, including vitamin C, vitamin A and folic acid.
  • Remember that an intake of at least 5 different fruit and vegetables PER DAY is recommended as part of a healthy balanced diet.
  • Help keep flu bugs away by adding freshly chopped garlic into meals when cooking.
  • A tea made with fresh ginger, lemon juice and a dash of honey may not only help to prevent sniffles, but is also a soothing way to ease symptoms if you already have a cold.
SPAR Pharmacist Eugene recommends ways to keep your immunity high:

Boost your immune system

  • Increase your fluid intake.
  • Stocking up on chicken noodle soup is a great way to stay hydrated.
  • Take at least 2000mg of SPAR Goodlife Vitamin C every day.
  • SPAR Goodlife Immune Adult caplets and SPAR Goodlife Immune Kids Syrup are both ideal immune boosters.
  • Take an adequate but not excessive amount (follow the instructions as noted on the package insert), in conjunction with intakes of vitamins A, C, E, D and B6, zinc, and iron. These essential vitamins and minerals appear to be especially important in maintaining immunity.
  • Echinacea purpurea appears to help boost the activity of immune cells responsible for fighting infections.

Cut colds short

If you do get ill, try these tips to help reduce the symptoms:
  • Taking zinc at the very first sign of a cold may help. Zinc lozenges containing 9-24 mg elemental zinc gluconate or acetate every 2 hours at the first sign of a cold can significantly decrease the length and severity of the cold.
  • Elderberry extract can help reduce the severity of symptoms and duration of the flu by more than 50%. It contains a variety of plant phytochemicals that possess anti-inflammatory and immune stimulating properties. It also appears to help block the virus from replicating and entering cells.
With acknowledgement to SPAR Savour Magazine.
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