SPAR Inpiration

No Fuss, No Stress, Just Fun!

No Fuss, No Stress, Just Fun!
Host a cocktail party without breaking a sweat (or the bank). By Lisa Wallace.
For the diligent (and multi-tasking) entertainer, the pressure is on - although, it doesn't have to be. We share tips on how to host a successful party without too much effort.

1) Pick a theme

Whether you're choosing to host an elegant cocktail party or five-course feast, establish a theme and stick to it. By "theme", I dont mean fancy dress. I mean, decide on a key motif that draws the celebration together, from decor to food to ambience.

2) Easy Menu Ideas

You hear me. Easy. By keeping things simple, for example by choosing a menu you know and working with ingredients you're familiar with, you'll feel less pressurised to pull off a dish that Heston Blumenthal is famous for. Trust your guns and stick to them - if it has worked before, it'll work again.

3) Self-service

So you dont have that uber cool retro drinks trolley yet - dont sweat. Station a drinks table at an easily accessible point in your home so guests can help themselves. Trust me, you have enough going on to worry if everyone's glasses are full.

4) Make a list

Keep yourself in check with a list that includes all essentials and the time at which things need to be done. Give yourself at least an hour to spare before guests arrive - not just for last-minute emergencies. You want to get dolleup and ready too.

5) Decorate decorate

Decorations aren't a necessity (and can become costly), but they really do add festive cheer. If you enjoy DIY, browse online for fun décor projects, or - gasp - use the same decorations from last year. It'll save you time and money.

6) Prep ahead of time

Prepare as much food as you can before the time. The more you have done, the more you'll be able to chat and mingle with your guests (instead of being tied up in the kitchen all night).

7) Be price savvy

Shops are having specials left, right and centre. Keep your eyes peeled for specials and shape your menu around them. Yes, a five-tiered chocolate ckae is rather decadent, but is it necessary?

8) Have fun

The most important point of all: enjoy yourself. This is a time for you too to relax. This party is as much for you as it is for your guests. Have fun!

With acknowledgement to SPAR Savour Magazine
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