SPAR Inpiration

Get Crafty this Winter

Get Crafty this Winter
Cindy Alfino, mother of three and blogger of "3 Kids, 2 Dogs, 1 Old House", suggests inspiring activities to keep your kids entertained this winter.

Vegetable Stamps

What you need:

  • Vegetables
  • Sharp knife
  • Paint
  • Paper
Ever wondered what to do with vegetables that you are not going to eat? Use them for stamps! Its a cool way for the kids to see what's inside the vegetables, practise holding strangely shaped things and make interesting patterns all in one go. 

Chop your veggies carefully to ensure that the surface of the "stamp" is completely level, then hand it over to your kids. Have them dip the veg in the paint, then stamp it on the paper.

In the image above, we used peppers and water-based powder paint. However if you want a more clean and precise result, try using a stamp pad or paint a veggie instead of dipping it.

TIP: Artichokes make an excellent and artistic stamp.

Bubble Art

What you need:
  • Food colouring
  • Bubbles
  • Paper
We probably have a thousand different bottles of bubbles from all the party packs my kids have accumulated over the years. It's great free entertainment, and now there is a way to get a little bit more (messy) use of of them.

Add a couple of drops of food colouring into the bubble solution. Shake it around and have the kids blow the colourful bubbles onto paper. Wait for them to pop or go ahead and pop them yourselves. Watching the bubbles land and pop is very exciting and the end product is also very pretty (especially when you hold it up to the light)!

TIP: Wear aprons or old clothes in case the bubbles stain.

Tea in a Tent

What you need:
  • Lots of blankets
  • Some chairs or other sturdy wall supports
  • Something delicious and warm to drink (or pretend to drink)
  • Something yummy to eat, like SPAR Lemon Creams
This winter has already been so cold and wet, leaving us to think of creative ways to entertain our kids inside. Thankfully I've found a secret treasure:

Create a ring or formation with your wall supports that will hold blankets on top and around the sides. Once you have your tent up, get inside and set up your tea party. Everyone needs biscuits and a cup of tea. We spend hours sitting in there reading books and just enjoying time with one another.

Try it Food Game

What you need: Any game is only fun if you are excited to eat most of the things. The new foods shouldn't dominate the board unless your child is up for the challenge, which I doubt because then you probably wouldn't be playingn this game in the first place.

Get some dice or even some cubed sweets and write numbers on them with food colouring. After they roll they have to move to that space and then try the food in the block. I kept chocolate for the end, to make sure that they stayed interested.

TIP: Laminate the paper to enable easy reuse and clean up.

With acknowledgement to SPAR Savour Magazine.


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