SPAR Inpiration

Feel Like you Need to be Superwoman?

Feel Like you Need to be Superwoman?
The demands on women today are enormous and we are our harshest critics. SPAR dietician Lauren Wilson, says good health starts with good expectations of yourself - and some healthy self-talk.
Feel Like you Need to be Superwoman?

Stress Busters for a Healthy Mind

Are you stressing about all the little things as well as some big ones? Do you ever find yourself holding your breath when you're in a stressful situation? Or overthinking things? Sometimes you need to physically stop and tell yourself to breathe in and out slowly.
We can’t all go on a retreat for a few days to destress and hone our breathing exercises, but we can get into the habit of regularly looking up from our computers to stretch - and to breath in and out slowly. Repeat as many times during the day as you need to. When you get home from work, take a short (even five- minute) walk around the garden before moving on to your chores.
If you're carrying a lot of stress, you might also be struggling to sleep at night. A lack of sleep can suppress the immune system, decreasing the body's ability to fight colds and flu, and other illnesses.  Being a working mom means juggling lots of balls. If you could do with some more practical advice, get hold of a copy of ‘Get the balance right - coping strategies for working mothers’ by Dr Colinda Linde (2005, Metz Press). It won't disappoint.

What helps us sleep better?

• Avoid caffeine or sugary drinks at night (coffee, tea, chocolate or energy drinks).
• Invest in a good supportive mattress and pillow.
• Use relaxation techniques such as reading something inspirational (not a thriller) before sleeping or a relaxing bath.
• Drink a glass of warm, low-fat milk before going to bed.

Aiming for a healthy body

Getting the balance right is difficult if you’re trying to be Superwoman at work and at home. Yes, we should all exercise four or five times a week and eat a healthy diet every day. It just doesn’t happen that way all the time, so don’t persecute yourself when you don’t get it right.

Many people are confused about what balance means when it comes to healthy eating. You can get the nutrients you need from choosing a variety of foods. Aim for the right balance on your plate at meal times, and your shopping list can be driven by that, too. A final word about being good to yourself: Be careful what you tell yourself... your body is always listening.
Visit SPAR’s Healthy Eating section on our website for more information. Click here.  •Most of the food on your plate (a third) should be vegetables and/or salad with your lunch and dinner. Have fruit between meals to help get enough vitamin A and C, which boost the immune system.
• An equal amount (a third) should be wholegrain starches such as brown rice or wholewheat bread. Other starches include pasta and potatoes.
• The rest of your plate should be left for lean protein such as skinless chicken, lean red meat, fish or lentils and beans. Fatty fish like tuna and sardines provide essential Omega-3 fatty acids that may benefit heart health.
• Dairy products can contribute protein to your diet. Try low fat cheese or milk in food preparation or a glass of milk. Yoghurt can be used as a snack between meals.
• Fats should contribute the smallest amount of a meal, so limit fried foods. Use some olive oil for food preparation, or nuts and seeds in a stir-fry.

Article written by Lauren Wilson
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