SPAR Inpiration

The Power of Juicing by Sonya Suransky

The Power of Juicing by Sonya Suransky
What started off as super wheatgrass shots at health bars has transformed into an all-out juicing frenzy. The well-known fresh orange juice on the brunch menu has made way for more enticing options such as kale, carrot and ginger juice.
The Power of Juicing by Sonya Suransky
Including a glass of juice in your daily diet has huge health beneifts. But remember: to achieve optimal results, you must maintain an 80% vegetable: 20% fruit ratio per glass. This is because fruit contains high levels of natural sweetener which can send your sugar levels through the roof. To add more liquid, use cucumber or zucchini; these are excellent veggie fillers for any juice because they yield a high quantity of liquid and their flavour is mild.

To make great juice, you need a juicer. They are not the cheapest of kithen appliances, but can be seen as an investment in your family's health.

When you get started, its important to thoroughly clean your veggies. 

If you want to be completely sure they're clean, you can soak your apples and cucumbers overnight in a water and organic apple vinegar bath. Soak kale or spinach in salted water and rinse to remove traces of soil.

Before you switch on your juicer, remember to fill the shoot to the top and make sure to mix your softer nutritious goodies with the harder onees. For example, mix tough kale leaves with pieces of soft orange as you push them down onto your juicer's blade. Once all your produce has been juiced, clean the machine. This is not the most fun part of the process, so get it over with as soon as possible.

Now you're ready to enjoy the fruits (and veggies) of your labour!

Here are some terrific examples of great tasting juices:

Beetroot, carrot and ginger juice:

1 large beetroot
3 large carrots
5cm piece of ginger

Immune Booster:

1 grapefruit
1 beetroot
2 carrots
2 celery stalks
1 lemon
2.5cm piece of giner
2.5cm piece of turmeric

Lean Grean

1/4 pineapple
4 kale leaves
2 celery stalks
1 lemon
2.5cm piece of giner
2.5cm piece of turmeric
1-2 chillies

What are you waiting for? Hop on board the juicing train and start to reap the health benefits!

* Your diet should be balanced with all food groups, and you should not only consume juices.

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