What is Pressed & Squeezed Juice?
It is exactly what its name suggests.
It is 100% Fruit juice where the fruit is Pressed & Squeezed into the carton ready for you to drink.
The pasteurisation process is at the heart of the operation. It requires taking the juice temperature to approximately 96 degrees Celsius for a few seconds then hot-filling the cartons at a temperature of about 83 degrees celsius. This pasteurisation process assists with prolonging the product’s shelf life for up to 8 months making it a ‘Long Life Fruit Juice’.
Nothing but PURE FRUIT!
The juice is not made from concentrates making its nutritional value closer to eating whole, fresh fruit.
There are no added sugars, preservatives or colourants and the packaging has been specially designed to preserve the product inside.
What’s the difference between
100% Juice Blend and Pressed & Squeezed?
The SPAR 100% Juice Blend is a blend of several fruits
to give it the taste profile that South Africa fruit juice fans love and enjoy. The blend has a thinner consistency reconstituted fruit, and may be mixed with water.
How does the packaging preserve the product?
The Elopak carton is made of 6 layers, each contributing to maintaining the integrity of the product. The 6 layers are: