Wellness Tips at Work or Work from Home
Whether you are at your regular workplace or working from home, the tips below can help you to create a healthy balance.
• Manage your time- Complete one task at a time. Schedule a list of all the tasks you need to complete by the end of the day. Try to focus on one task at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
• Stick to your breaks- Your tea and lunch breaks are there to allow you to refuel, eat and rejuvenate to continue with the day. Use your breaks to do just that. You should avoid engaging in work-related tasks during your breaks. In addition, the food you consume should be healthy and sustainable. Avoid fast-food and junk food as this may leave you feeling sluggish.
• Set your boundaries- Be clear about how you would like to be treated and how you will work with others. Boundaries are imperative as it protects us from unhealthy behaviours. For example, if you are constantly assisting everybody with their work, you set a precedent that you will assist and sometimes it may not be possible.
• Avoid taking work home- Work tasks should be completed during your office hours. If you take work home this takes time away over from your family/leisure time and may cause conflict. In the long-term if this behaviour is repeated this may lead to burnout.
• Healthy coping- Stress may cause many health issues, both mental and physical, it makes sense to plan by having coping mechanisms and strategies in place to deal with work stress. Spend time with family members, meet a friend to chat or get involved in the community. Increasing your social support will decrease chances of burnout.
If you notice you are not coping with any occupational-related issues, discuss this with your line manager and/or seek assistance from available employee assistance programmes at work. Further, you may seek professional support from a clinical psychologist.