SPAR Supports Cancervive's Annual Ride
07 October 2017
The Cancervive flagship event is an annual 10 day motorcycle awareness ride across the country to deliver a message of hope and encouragement to communities in the provinces of Western and Eastern Cape.
This survivor-driven project utilises performing arts, music, poetry, dance and storytelling to celebrate victory over the disease. Statistics show more people die of cancer than of HIV Aids, tuberculosis and malaria combined, and therefore the focus of the ride is to care, support and create awareness. Through education on the various "shy" cancers, and the development of support structures, the visited communities are left better equipped to identify warning signs and care for cancer patients in their midst.
These cancers often go undetected due to fears of stigma and discrimination, cultural taboos and lack of knowledge. Cancervive aims to help break down some of those taboos by telling stories of survivors through music, dance and drama.
In just 6 years Cancervive has entertained, engaged and most importantly, educated more than 190 000 South Africans across 9 provinces in 7 languages covering a distance of approximately 16 200 km’s.